
Robert Kiyosaki - How To Predict The Future (DVD)

Robert Kiyosaki - How To Predict The Future (DVD)

Robert Kiyosaki presented his seminar "How to Predict the Future" to about 350 participants in Scottsdale, Arizona October 24-26, 2008. In attendance were people from all over the world deeply concerned about the current economic situation.

At the core of the material covered was how each one of us must learn to read and use past, present and probable future events to determine the best way not only to improve our own financial education and position, but to help others do so as well.

It turned out to be a powerful weekend for personal development and education.

Contents: -
1. How To Predict The Future
By studying Dr. R. Buckminster Fuller’s work on prognostication, you will learn how the future is not traveling in a straight line. You will learn how to change your life by changing your future.

2. How To Create Your Future
Robert and Rich Dad’s Advisor Blair Singer will teach PERT (Planning Evaluation Review Technique). Through this you will gain the ability to go into the future and create backwards. PERT was the planning technique used to put the first humans on the moon.

3. How To Print Your Own Money
(And Change Your Financial Future)
One of the most powerful books Robert has read is Dr. Fuller’s Grunch of Giants, GRUNCH stands for Gross Universal Cash Heist. The book is about how the rich print their own money and why they’re rich. You will learn to do the same. More importantly, you will learn how to prosper from the future of money…not be a victim of it.

Robert Kiyosaki is Definitely about Discipline
Knowing full well that the topics we were about to cover would take 100% focus and commitment to learning, Robert Kiyosaki established his credo for discipline from the start.

You were expected to be on time. If you were late, you paid a fine.

You were expected to participate. If not, you ran the risk of being publicly exposed.

You were expected to come prepared. A fairly stiff fine was imposed if you did not do the required reading ahead of time.

Kiyosaki went from aimless, rebellious young man to disciplined focused powerhouse during his stint with the Marines. It shows.

He and his wife, Kim created their goal to be financially free and had the guts to see it through; even when they found themselves living out of their car.

Going into business, creating a wealth portfolio (and attending a Robert Kiyosaki seminar!) is not for the faint of heart but the rewards are enormous.

Robert Kiyosaki and Leadership
There is something almost tangible about being in a room full of real leaders. People who are passionate about being in control of their own futures rather than relying on the government, family or the guy next door to "take care of them."

What I admire about leaders of Robert and Kim Kiyosaki's caliber is the fact that they work to create and empower new leaders every day. It's one thing to become successful. It's another to help others achieve that same level of success.

Our own Mike Dillard is this kind of a leader. It was through his diligence and effort that the opportunity to attend and/or learn from Kiyosaki's event was put in our hands. If you were unable to attend the event, I'm sure you will find lots of good information about it here at BetterNetworker.

Robert Kiyosaki and The Law of Attraction
Even though it may appear magical in nature, for me, The Law of Attraction is not mystical. It is about a heightened awareness to the opportunities around us which have always been there, waiting.

My chance to meet Robert Kiyosaki was always available. But when I made it my intention, it came to pass. I didn't know the role Mike Dillard would play in helping me achieve this goal. I had never met Mike at the time I made my declaration.

The Law of Attraction was at work for me from the moment of meeting Robert Kiyosaki, to making the right business and personal connections at the seminar, and yes, even down to being chosen for the makeover by image consultant, Antoni Patrik.

You don't have to know what form these opportunities will take. You simply have to be watching for the doors to open, and when they do -- walk through to the other side.

Robert Kiyosaki's Message
First and most important, take responsibility for your own financial education. Learn what kind of investments are best for you and research them thoroughly. Learn about our financial system and what real money is. It isn't the cash you have in your pocket or your savings account.

Take action on what you have learned. Do it now!

Take a look at the reading materials Robert Kiyosaki recommends. Be prepared to read some of these books several times to fully digest what is being said:
- Grunch of Giants by R. Buckminster Fuller

- The Creature from Jekyll Island - A Second Look at the Federal Reserve by g. Edward Griffin

- The Long Tail - Why the Future of Business is Selling Less of More by Chris Anderson

Robert Kiyosaki's books to read, if you haven't already done so: -
- Rich Dad's Phrophecy - Why the Biggest Stock Market Crash in History is STILL Coming and How You Can Prepare Yourself and Profit from It!

- Guide to Investing.

- Guide to Investing in Gold and Silver by Michael Maloney.

Thank you Mike Dillard for guiding me to one of the most enlightening weekends of my life.