
How To Become A SuperStar Student (DVD)

How To Become A SuperStar Student (DVD)

Kindly check the description at www.teach12.com

When a high school student has trouble learning a subject like math or history, the problem may lie not in the teacher’s ability or the student’s I.Q.

Instead, it is often simply because the student has never been taught how to learn.

From the high school in the little town of Worland, Wyoming, comes a steady stream of honor students. They win scholarships. Get into top universities. Even have their writings published while still in high school.

Why—are they smarter than other kids? No. They have been shown how to become SuperStar Students by a widely acclaimed SuperStar teacher, Tim McGee.

Dr. McGee has found that many bright kids have trouble retaining what they read and get tangled up when trying to do writing assignments. So he teaches two simple yet powerful techniques that will give students an edge not only in high school but in college and adulthood.

What do his Worland honor students have in common? A whole set of basic learning skills which most high school students are never taught: -
* Developing an attitude toward learning that yields results
* Keeping a learning journal and developing study habits that pay off
* Using annotation to change ordinary reading to active reading
* Learning how to take and use notes to prepare for exams
* Using the secrets of "jam" writing and informal writing
* Discovering how to draft and edit the formal essay.

Dr. McGee is an impressive speaker who has changed the lives of his students with his powerful message about what it takes to be a great student—and how to do it once you’ve made the decision to excel.

These lectures provide a front-row seat for lectures that have enthralled students and their parents around the country. They show how to build a foundation of achievement that will last a lifetime. Professor McGee’s introductory lecture on learning and on the two character traits that every great student must possess—honesty and courage—is followed by lectures on note-taking, active reading, writing without pain, studying to succeed, and organizing time. The lessons are packed with information and insight that every student who wants to win needs to know.

Parents, please note: Professor McGee devotes the last two lectures to you, with discussions on the best home educational environment and tips on finding the right college for your child.

School Reform News Says: -
"While good teachers are difficult to find, it’s even more difficult to find an empty seat in a good teacher’s classroom. But even if you didn’t get into a SuperStar teacher’s class for high school algebra, geometry, or other subjects, you now have another option: Watch the DVD.

"The Teaching Company has taped some of the best teachers in America. …Instead of teaching a specific subject area, Tim McGee of Worland High School in Worland, Wyoming, teaches what all educators emphasize but few instill: 'a lifelong love of learning.'”

His course “called How to Become a SuperStar Student, tells students that studying for academics is the same thing as training for sports. When you train, you leave the competition behind. But to succeed, you first have to admit how little you know and be willing to do the work necessary to learn.

"For students who are having trouble getting good grades in high school, and for parents who are worried about whether their kids will do well enough in college entrance exams, this can be literally a life-changing course. While it is true that the student must be motivated, these lectures are so inspiring that they go a long way toward also providing the necessary motivation."

Contents: -
1 - A Philosophy Of Learning - The Right Attitude
2 - The Learning Journal And Effective Study Habits
3 - Annotation And Active Reading
4 - Class Notes And Exam Preparation
5 - Jam Writing And Informal Writing
6 - The Formal Essay - Drafting And Editing
7 - The Master Schedule - Planning For Success
8 - The Research Paper - A Demonstration
9 - The Well-Rounded High School Student
10 - After High School - An Educational Plan
11 - Helping Your Children Learn
12 - Helping Your Children Achieve Success