
Jay Abraham - Strategy Setting Super Summit (DVD)

Jay Abraham - Strategy Setting Super Summit (DVD)

Kindly check the description at www.abraham.com/superstrategy

Combines all 68 CDs of Strategy Setting Super Summit.

A SuperStrategy is the critical secret to winning wars, dominating business markets, and creating substantial wealth. In war it’s the difference between stunning victory and massive defeat. In marketing it is the difference between mediocrity and millions.

By focusing total attention on building your business a complete new marketing SuperStrategy, I will finally put together the master marketing “game plan” you have been missing.

Once you have this custom marketing game plan in place, you’ll be able to marshal all the different marketing concepts I’ve taught you before—into one unified, powerful (laser-focused) business building force, that makes everything you do with your marketing (from now on) work up to 100 times better! (I’ll demonstrate and prove it to you in this case study based overview report.)

Even the greatest marketing tactics in the world --- without a masterful marketing strategy to drive and guide their total affect (not effect, there IS a big difference here) will only produce a mere fraction of the impact results they should. But, put them together with a brilliantly formulated, totally integrated marketing master strategy and you will multiply their combined effect (not affect) by exponential levels.